I got this quartz from at home in the garden. I took it to school because I thought it would be interesting. When I break it, it might have gold in it. We'd be rich.
Hi Seth, I really like your story it made me laugh, what are you going to use to break it open? or maybe you could just leave it intact and use it as a door stopper ;0
Hi Rowan I gave it to Harry but I have got two more at home. I do hope I get gold out of them too. I would spend the gold for one billion thousand dollars. Seth
Hi Seth, I really like your story it made me laugh, what are you going to use to break it open? or maybe you could just leave it intact and use it as a door stopper ;0
ReplyDeleteHi Vicky
DeleteI just gave it to Harry.
I have got two more at home. One is bigger and one is smaller.
Thanks Seth
Hi Seth that's the biggest quartz rock i have ever seen i hope you find GOLD in it from Rowan
ReplyDeleteHi Rowan
DeleteI gave it to Harry but I have got two more at home. I do hope I get gold out of them too. I would spend the gold for one billion thousand dollars.