Friday, 12 July 2013

Airport Drawings

In Room 1 we made some pictures and wrote stories about the planes and fire station at the airport. 



  1. Hi Room 1
    I thought that the aeroplane drawings are pretty cool.
    Did you find it interesting at the airport?
    Bye from Jor'jah.

    1. Hi Jor'jah
      we did find it interesting because we got to go in the fire station there and we got to go in the fire engine. We watched a plane land and another one take off.
      Thanks for liking our drawings.
      From Amber and Elsie

  2. Hi Jor'jah
    We saw a plane landing and one taking off on our visit. It was a really fun visit.
    Up in the lounge at the airport there was a lot of drawers and cabinets with feathers and plants and butterflies in them on display. They were real and cool.
    From Tamati and Seth M
